"A Lesson Trump and the E.P.A. Should Heed" (New York Times; 3/7/17)

Op-Ed by William D. Ruckelshaus (First-ever EPA Administrator [1970-73], Ronald Reagan's second EPA Administrator)

TL;DR: Republican and Former EPA Administrator William D. Ruckelshaus cautions Trump and Pruitt that destroying EPA is a bad plan for the planet and the economy.

President Reagan discovered that government backsliding on protecting Americans’ health and the environment would not be tolerated by an awakened, angry and energized public.
— William D. Ruckelshaus

A strong and credible regulatory regime is essential to the smooth functioning of our economy. Unless people believe their health and the environment are being safeguarded, they will withdraw their permission for companies to do business. The chemical industry executives who came in to see me that day felt this loss of public support and were asking me to reassure Americans that the government would do its job to protect them.

Our collective freedom and well-being depends on a set of restraints that govern society and how it operates. Those restraints need to be clear and effective. They were not in 1983.

The E.P.A.’s new administrator, Scott Pruitt, comes to his job with this historical backdrop. Are there changes that can be made to improve how the agency operates? Certainly. But those changes can never be seen as undercutting or abandoning the E.P.A.’s basic mission. That was the mistake made during the early Reagan years and why I was asked to return.