
"Majority of U.S. Public Against Drilling ANWR; Oil Experts Think Economics Are 'Suspect'" (EcoWatch; 12/5/17)

"Firstly, drilling in ANWR is deeply unpopular with the American public; secondly, it still has to get past the House, where some Republicans are opposed to opening up ANWR; thirdly, even oil industry consultants think drilling now is not economically sensible and fourthly any development will be fought tooth and nail in the courts.

"Don't Roll Back the Vehicle Fuel Standards" (New York Times; 3/8/17)

"Above all, we believed that cost-effective technologies were available to improve vehicle efficiency at a reasonable cost to consumers and that the domestic auto industry, stagnant in 2009, would benefit from being prodded to innovate."

"Judge denies tribe's request to block Dakota Access pipeline" (The Hill; 3/7/17)

"The Cheyenne River Sioux tribe said the controversial oil pipeline project violates its religious freedom due to its placement under Lake Oahe. The tribe uses the lake for sacred ceremonies, and its lawyers argued that the mere presence of an oil pipeline under the lake desecrates the water and violates their religious freedom. 
But U.S. District Judge James Boasberg dismissed that argument on Tuesday."