"E.P.A. Head Stacks Agency With Climate Change Skeptics" (New York Times; 3/7/17)

“It’s fine to have differing opinions on how to meet the mission of the agency. Many Republican administrators have had that, but here, for the first time, I see someone who has no commitment to the mission of the agency.”
— Gina McCarthy, EPA Administrator (2013-17)

"To friends and critics, Mr. Pruitt seems intent on building an E.P.A. leadership that is fundamentally at odds with the career officials, scientists and employees who carry out the agency’s missions. That might be a recipe for strife and gridlock at the federal agency tasked to keep safe the nation’s clean air and water while safeguarding the planet’s future.

A draft White House budget blueprint proposes to slash the E.P.A. budget by about 24 percent, or $2 billion from its current level of $8.1 billion, and cut employee numbers by about 20 percent from its current staff of about 15,000."